The good news in: Woman now
kicking-ass in some male dominated careers, according to an article in
ClassyCareerGirl (one of our favourite blogs).
Here are some of them:
Enforcement: We all love men in
uniform. But woman are now getting the
job done too. In the US, Canada and abroad, woman are stepping up into law
enforcement positions, and doing the job well bringing both authority and
compassion to their chosen professions.
Way to go girls!
Attorney: Let’s face it, it has been years since LA Law first premiered
– and we’ve become accustomed to watching female prosecutors and defense
attorneys shred their male counterparts.
Yes, we can argue a point…
and Finance: A great fit for those
with a knack for numbers. Although the
field is still primarily viewed as alpha male territory, woman are increasingly
accepted and now often achieve top positions in major auditing firms.
Aviation: Woman interested in aviation are no longer
bound to stereotypical female roles such as flight attendant or gate
agent. Now, woman are increasingly
working their way into key positions behind the controls. It’s about safety ladies, and we all know men
can be a bit accident prone…